Law & Justice Development Community of Practice Members
Erin Anderson
Erin has over 15 years’ experience in design, delivery, performance management, policy advocacy and evaluation for Law and Justice and Governance development programs.
Caron Beaton-Wells
Caron's recent research projects focus on cartel criminalisation and the interface between competition and consumer law.
Richard works on research, monitoring and evaluation with a focus on quality governance, particularly in post-conflict and sustaining peace environments.
Anne Brown
Ann's research focuses on political community across division. peace-building and state formation in hybrid states.
Rachel’s consultancy business focusses on competition law and policy in the ASEAN region, which is also Rachel’s key research area of interest. In addition, Rachel is a lecturer on Australian competition and consumer law.
Helen Burrows
Helen is Director, International Programs with the Federal Court of Australia. She has worked for 20 years in Asia, Africa and the Pacific on rule of law, governance, access to justice, professionalism, procedural and substantive justice reform.
Ross Clarke is an Australian human rights lawyer with over 15 years’ experience designing and leading access to justice, legal empowerment and human rights programmes across Asia and East Africa.
Sally Cobb
Sally is a lawyer and independent consultant who has been working with the Vanuatu-Australia Law and Justice Program since early 2017.
Craig has led the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice team since 2012, following on from leadership roles in Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands (twice), Cambodia and Samoa.
Sandra Hamid
Sandra is a cultural anthropologist and development specialist, with an interest in political participation and civil society; and in the nexus of religions, politics and democracy. She is the Country Representative of The Asia Foundation, Indonesia.
Robyn Frost
Kristian Futol
Kristian provides anti-corruption policy and program advice to a range of government departments, including DFAT.
Bethany Hender
Bethany is the Head of Practice - Employment Law at the ACT Women’s Legal Service.
Angela is a lawyer and has experience working across foreign policy, international and domestic law issues, law and justice and anti-corruption policy and programs at DFAT.
Daniel Hyslop
Daniel is the Reearch Director at the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). He has led various research projects on drivers and trends in peace and conflict.
Deborah Isser
Deborah is Lead Governance Advisor in Africa and Global Lead for Justice Reform in the Governance Practice at the World Bank.
Jeremy Kingsley
Jeremy is a legal scholar and anthropologist. His research has focused upon religious and political authority in Indonesia and how this affects local governance.
Mohamad Doddy Kusadrianto
Doddy is Director of Law Programs at The Asia Foundation, and has extensive experience managing legal reform programs in Indonesia.
Debra Ladner
Debra is a lawyer and international development professional, with extensive experience designing, managing and evaluating program in Asia.
Alice is a lawyer and international adviser and is currently working with host governments in PNG and Solomon Islands across their justice and security reform programs
Michael McKenzie
Michael has worked on a variety of law and justice assistance programs for the Australian Government, and is currently the Counsellor (Legal) at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.
Rebecca Mills
Rebecca works in the People Smuggling and Human Trafficking team at the Attorney-Generals Department.
Ben Milton
Ben is the Director of the PNG Political and Torres Strait Section, DFAT. He has experience working in DFAT's legal division on international and domestic law issues.
Rebecca Monson
Rebecca's research explores themes of regulator pluralism, conflict and socioeconomic inequality, particularly in the SW Pacific.
Nicola is The Asia Foundation’s director of Governance where she leads the Foundation’s governance programs across the 18 countries and three sub-regions of Asia in which it works.
Guy Norton
Guy has worked in security, policing and international development for the public and private sector across Asia and the Pacific. He is currently Program Director of the DFAT-funded Vanuatu-Australia Policing and Justice Program (VAPJP) for Palladium.
Dominique Ogilvie
Dominique is Senior Program Manager of the Competition Law Implementation Program, which is a multi-year, demand-driven capacity building program.
Gordon Peake
Gordon has been engaging with issues of governance and post-conflict settlement in the Asia-Pacific region. He has lived and worked in Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea.
Robin Perry
Robin has over thirteen years' experience working in the justice sector, with a focus on managing aid-funded access to justice programs.
Dr Judy Putt has undertaken extensive research in crime and justice with a focus on action-oriented, mixed-methods, and on practice and policy relevance
Dave Quayle
Dave leads the Strategy, Development and Training function within the Australian Federal Police's Operations portfolio.
John Rennie
John is the Team Leader of DFAT's Community Policing Initiative in Cambodia program, working to support the Cambodia National Police to implement community policing.
Indira Rosenthal
Indira researches and consults on international human rights law and international criminal law, focussing on gender-related issues such as violence against women and girls and discrimination
Andrew Rowe
Andrew is CEO of Sustineo P/L, a Canberra-based social research firm. He has also worked in national and law enforcement intelligence roles.
Daniel Rowland
Daniel is an Honorary Associate, Law and Development Adviser at Sydney Law School.From 2000-2010, he was Law and Justice Adviser at AusAID.
Caroline Sage
Caroline is a Senior Social Development Specialist at the World Bank, where she has helped establish the Global Justice for the Poor program.
Nick Sellars
Nick has more than fifteen years' experience in Australian Government integrity agencies. In his current role he provides strategic policy advice to the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner.
John Southalan
A Perth based Barrister & academic, John has worked on law and development issues in Thailand, Myanmar and Australia; much of his work has focussed on resource development and its impact.
Leo Sudaryono
Leo has previously worked for the Asia Foundation, where his worked focused on policy reform, community-orientated policing and prison reform.
Cate is Director of Law & Development Partners and has worked for 25 years in the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, focusing on access to justice, legal identity, human rights and judicial reform.
Greg Thompson
Greg is a Board member of Transparency International Australia. Prior to retiring he was CEO of AngliCORD and World Vision.
Peter Thompson
Peter is the Senior Policy Lawyer in the International Division of the Law Council of Australia, and the Administrator of the South Pacific Lawyers' Association.
Saskia is a lawyer and international adviser currently working with the law and justice sector in Papua New Guinea.
Pip Venning
Pip is Director of DFAT's Indonesia Strategy and Performance Section. Before this she spent three years in Solomon Islands working on family violence prevention.
Kate Webb
Kate is a member of the Law and Justice team, DFAT. Prior to this she worked on issues such as countering violent extremism with the Attorney-General's Department
Susie Williamson-de-Vries
Susie is a Principal Legal Officer in the International Engagement and Capacity Building team, in the Attorney--General's Department.