Clarke Jones
Clarke Jones runs the Australian Intervention Support Hub (AISH) based at ANU’s School of Regulation and Global Governance. AISH works with governments and communities to develop appropriate responses to violent extremism and other anti-social behaviours.
Dr Jones made the move into academia in 2010 following over 15 years in national security, including policing, military and intelligence. His research covers violent extremism, prison radicalisation, community-led interventions and prison gangs.
For the past six years, Dr Jones has been working as a private consultant, particularly on prison reform. He has completed a review of Indigenous offender rehabilitation programs in Australia’s correctional system and another on prison radicalisation in Australia’s correctional systems. He advises Federal and State Government agencies, including the Philippine Government on management of high-risk offenders, prison gangs and prison reform.
In 2002, Dr Jones was the Chief of the Australian Defence Force Fellow and completed his PhD at the University of New South Wales in 2008.